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    DescriptionWhite, odorless, free flowing powder
    Clarity & Color of solutionClear and practical colorless
    Identification1.       The retention time of the sucrose octasulfate peak obtained from the assay preparation corresponds to that obtained from the standard preparation; S.O.S
    2.       Add alkaline cupric tartrate TS and boil: a red precipitate of cuprous oxide is produced
    3.       Positive to Al.
    ChlorideNMT 0.5%
    ArsenicNMT 4ppm
    Heavy metalsNMT 0.002%
    Limit of alpha-methylpyridineNMT 0.05%
    Limit of PyridineNMT 0.05%
    Aluminum content15.5% ~ 18.5% (calculated on an “as is” basis
    Acid-neutralizing capacityNLT 12mEq
    Limit of Sucrose HeptasulfateNMT 0.1
    Assay (S.O.S)30.0% ~ 38.0%

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