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    PropertyWhite or almost white crystalline powder, odorless, bitter
    Identification1. Dissolve about 20mg of the substance in the 0.1mol/L HCl solvent to
    2ml, and drip 3 tips of Dragendorff testing solution, bisque deposit
    will appear.
    2. Maximum absorption is at the wavelength of 229nm, 275nm
    and 315nm.
    3. Infrared light absorption map of the product is consistent with that of the reference substance.
    Test1. Clarity and color of the solution of Chloroform
    2. Sulphate
    3. The material related: the total peak areas of impurities is no more
    than that of the major component of the reference one (2.0%).
    4. Loss on drying ≤0.5%
    5. Residue on ignition ≤0.1%
    6. Heavy metals: ≤10 PPM
    AssayCalculated by anhydrous material, the assay of Vinpocetine (C22H26N2O2) is no less than 98.5%.

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