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Synonyms: Glucobay
Quality standard:FCCIV/EP7.1
Appearance: White or light yellow powder

Usage: Acarbose is a new oral hypoglycemic agent. Competitive inhibition in the intestine glucoside hydrolase. Reducing polysaccharides and sucrose down into glucose, so that the corresponding slow absorption of sugar, so it can reduce the role of blood sugar after a meal. Usually alone, or with other oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin combined. With food, treatment of insulin-dependent or non-dependent diabetes mellitus.

*1 week for samples
*1-2 weeks after getting payment for commercial quantity

T/T or western uinon

• Shelf life: 2 years
• If any quality issues, it should be claimed within 3 weeks from the date of arrival at destination. 
• Refunds will be given or the goods will be replaced by qualified material. All charges involved are on NOVACHEM's account.


    DescriptionA white or yellowish-white crystalline powder
    Appearance of solutionClear and not ore intensely colored than reference solution BY7
    Specific optical rotation-17—-20°
    Related substances
    Impurity with a relative retention of 1.3 to 1.5≤2.5%
    Any other impurity(apart from the 2 rincipal peaks)≤1.0%
    The sum of all related sub.≤5.0%
    Limit of ethanol≤5.0%
    Limit of formamide≤3.0%
    Heavy metals≤20ppm
    Sulphated ash≤0.1%
    Assay(HPLC, base on drying)H2Bla/(H2Bla+H2Blb)≥90.0%
    102.0%)≥(H2Bla+H2Bla) )≥95.0%
    Noto: the assay of Bl and Bla calculated on the moisture, ethanol and formamid free bases

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