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Vitamin K1

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Name:Vitamin K1

Molecular Formula:C31H46O2 

Molecular Weight:450.70 




    Assay97.0~103.0 %
    Z Isomer21.0% Max.
    Refractive Index1.523~1.526
    IdentificationA. The infraed absorption spectrum of it exhibits max. only at the same wavelength as that of USP 
    phytonadione RS.
    B. The ultraviolet absorption spectrum of it exhibits max. and  min. at the same wavelength as that of USP phytonadione RS. and the respective absorptivities at the wavelength of max. absorptivities at about 248nm don't differ by more than 3%.
    Reaction It is neutral.
    MenadioneNo purple or blue color occurs after dropping it to the solution of 
    ammonium hydroxide and alcohol.
    Reference Standard: USP30


    1.This product is the necessary substance for liver to combine the prothrombinase II, VII, IX, X. The shortage of vitamin k1 can caused disorder or abnormal synthesis of prothrombinase. Clinically, there may be a tendency to bleed to extent the coagulating time.

    2.Vitamin k1 also has analgesic and relieving-spasm roles. It has obvious effects to cure the angina of visceral unstriped muscle, angina caused by duct cramps and intestinal cramps.

    3.In recent years, reports said that High-dose vitamin K1 can promote liver cell viability, enhanced monocyte-macrophage phagocytosis, so it has a certain effect to chronic hepatitis.

    4.As a pharmaceutical, it is widely used in clinical bleeding caused by a lack of vitamin k1, Such as bleeding caused by obstructive jaundice, biliary fistula, chronic diarrhea; low prothrombin hyperlipidemia caused by Coumarins and sodium salicylate; Hemorrhage of newborn and shortage of vitamin k1 caused by long-term use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. As a Nutrition Enhancer, it is widely used to produce multi-vitamin foodstuff and livestock fodder PACKAGE.

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