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Riboflavin (VB2)

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Molecular Formula:C17H20N4O6 

Molecular Weight:376.37 



Standard: BP2011/USP33


    Product nameRiboflavin (VB2)
    AppearanceOrange yellow crystalline powder
    Acidity or Alkalinitycheck the color of the test solution
    after adding the respective solutions

    Absorbance of the filtrate at 440nm
    Lumiflavindoes not exceed 0.025 (USP);not

    more intense than BY6(EP/BP)
    Absorbance0.31-0.33 A373nm/A267nm
    0.36-0.39 A444nm/A267nm
    Particle Size100% passes through 80 mesh sieve
    Specific Rotationbetween-115º and -135º  (EP/BP/USP)
    Loss on drying ≤1.5%
    Heavy Metals
    Residue on Ignition≤0.3% (USP)
    Organic Volatile ImpuritiesMethod IV   (USP)
    Assay (on dried basis)98.0%-102.0% (USP)
    97.0%-103.0% (EP/BP)

    Applications:Riboflavin is the essential necessity for organism in normal living as the nutriment for infant, pregnant woman nursing mother, patient after illness and the aged. It, involve , participates in the metabolishm of carbonhydrate, protein and fat, and is the major composition of flavorprotein, the transferring enzyme system of hydrogen, In clinical practice, it is applicable to perleche, glossitis, ophthalmitis, conjunctivitis, ceborrhea, scrotum inflammations with proper effect ,In food and feed industry, it is widely used as food and feed additives.

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