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Glycyl Glycine

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    State of solutionClear and colorless
    (Transmittance)Not less than 95.0%
    Chloride (Cl)Not more than 0.020%
    Ammonium (NH4)Not more than 0.02%
    Sulfate (SO4)Not more than 0.020%
    Iron (Fe)Not more than 30ppm
    Heavy metal(Pb)Not more than 10ppm
    Arsenic(As2O3)Not more than 1ppm
    Other amino acidsChromatographically
    Not detectable
    Loss on dryingNot more than 0.20%
    Residue on ignition(sulfated)Not more than 0.15%
    Assay98.5 to100.5%

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