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Dantrolene sodium

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    AppearanceYellowish-orange to orange crystalline powder. No visible evidence of contamination by foreign matter
    Identification AThe Irabsorption spectrum exhibits maxima only at the same wavelengths as that of the reference standard(197K)
    Identification BThe retention time of the major peak in the chromatogram of the assay preparation corresponds to that in the chromatogram of the standard preparation, as obtained in the assay.
    Identification CMeets thre requirements of the flame test for sodium(191)
    heavy metalsNot more than 0.002%
    Assay90.0-96.0% of C14H10N4O5  On the anhydrous basis
    Residual solventsEthanol  Not more than 2000ppm
    Methanol  Not more than 500ppm
    Acetone  Not more than 200ppm
    DMF  Not more than 620ppm
    Related substancesRelated compound A  Not more than 0.15%
    Related compound B  Not more than 0.50%
    Related compound C  Not more than 0.30%

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