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    AppearanceA white or off white crystalline powder 
    SolubilityFreely soluble in chloroform and in methanol 
    a) IRIR chromatograph Conforms to the characteristic peak of  R.S.
    b) HPLCThe retention time of the major peak in the chromatogram Conforms to  the characteristic peak of  R.S.
    Water Not more than 0.3%
    Specific optical rotation+96.0°~+100.0°
    Residue on ignitionNot more than 0.1%
    Heavy metalsNot more than 20 ppm
    Related substance
    Impurity A:Not more than 0.15%
    ImpurityB:Not more than 0.15%
    ImpurityC:Not more than 0.15%
    Unspecified impurityNot more than 0.10%
    Total impuritiesNot more than 1.0%
    Assay[on dried basis,by HPLC]98.0% to 102.0%

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