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    AppearanceWhite or pale yellow crystalline powder
    SolubilityPractically insoluble in water, soluble in acetone and in methylene chloride, sparingly soluble in methanol
    Melting range125-128
    IdentificationThe IR spectrum corresponds to Tinidazole reference standard
    Appearance of solution5.0%(g/ml)solution in acetone should be clear and not more intensely colored than reference solution Y5
    Related substances(TLC)Impurity-A:NMT 0.5%
    Impurity-B:NMT 0.5%
    Any other unspecified impurity: NMT 0.5%
    At most one impurity more than 0.2%
    Residual solvents(GC)Ethanol: NMT 1000 ppm
    O-xylene: NMT 195.3 ppm
    Loss on dryingNMT 0.5%
    Sulphated ashNMT 0.1%
    Heavy metalsNMT 20 ppm
    AssayNLT 98.0% & NMT 101.0% (dried substance)

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