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Gentamycin Sulfate

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    AppearanceA white or almost white powder,Freely soluble in water,Practically insoluble in alcohol and in ether
    IdentificationTests according to monograph
    Appearance of solutionClear and not more intensely colored than degree 6 of the range of reference solutions of the most appropriate color
    P.H value3.5 to 5.5
    Specific optical rotation+107° to +121°
    MethanolNot more than 1.0 %
    CompositionC1 25.0% to 50.0%
    C1 a 10.0% to 35.0%
    C2 a + C2 25.0% to 55.0%
    WaterNot more than 15.0%
    Sulfated ashNot more than 1.0%
    Sulfate32.0% to 35.0%
    SterilityComplies with the test for sterility
    Bacterial endotoxinNot more than 1.67IU/mg
    AssayNot less than 590IU/mg

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