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Ampicillin Sodium

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    Assay (anhydrous, %) 91.0~102.0 
    Solubility Freely soluble in water, sparingly soluble in acetone, practically insoluble in fatty oilsand in liquid paraffin 
    Identification A Infrared absorption spectrophotonetry 
    D It gives reaction (a) of sodium 
    Appearance of solution Not more opalescent than reference suspension II and absorbance at 430nm is not greater than 0.15 
    PH8.0~10.0 9.2 
    Specific optical rotation +258.~+287. 
    Related substances N,N-Dimethylaniline
    2-Ethythexanoic acid
    Methylene chlorides
    Heavy metals 
    Bacterial endotoxins 
    SterileShould be compliant conforms 
    DescriptionWhite powder, hygroscopic 

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