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Yearly output: 26000mt
Pass GMP,COS ,got DMF
USP30, BP2008,IP2010
Fine powder, DC90, DC96
Registered in India


    DescriptionWhite, fine powder, odorless
    SolubilityFree soluble in alcohol, sparingly soluble in water, very slightly soluble in ethylene chloride
    IdentificationA) Melting point 168~172℃
    B) specific Absorbance
    at 249nm-890nm (860.0-980.0)
    C) IR-Complies BP 2007
    D)Complies BP 2007
    E) Complies BP 2007
    Related substanceImpurity J(chloroacetanilide)
    (BY HPLC)               not more than 10 ppm
    Impurity K(4-aminophenol)
    not more than 50 ppm
    Impurity F(4-nitrophenol)not
    more than 0.05%
    any other impurity
    not more than 0.05%
    Total of other impurity
    not more than 0.1%
    Heavy metalsNot more than20ppm
    Loss on drying(At 105℃)Not more than0.5%
    Sulphated  ashNot more than0.1%
    Assay99.0~101.0%(on dried basis)
    Bulk DensityAs per IH specs : NLT 0.63g/ml
    Foreign matterNot more than 10 per/5g
    Absorbance at 420nmNot more than 0.03

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