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Oxacillin Sodium for injection

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Oxacillin is a bactericidal antibiotic of the Beta-lactam family and of M Semi-synthetic penicillin group resistant to pencillinase. Its spectrum included the strains usually sensitive to Gram positive bacteria, pencillin-resistant staphylococci. 

Treatment of staphylococcus infections, with appearance in :
* Respiratory N.E.T endocarditis, renal, genito-urinary; 
* Bones septicemia and meningitis
* In dermatology: Staphylococcus infections and/or sensitive streptococcus;
* In possurgery infections
* Prophylaxis, neurosurgery, plastic surgery and rebuilding. 

Storage: Store in a cool and dry place. Protect form light. 

Storage: Store in a cool and dry place.

For more Finished Formulations of Novachem, please link here:


    For more Finished Formulations of Novachem, please clik here: download

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